Clear my cockie

Upgrade  your life,

enhance  your awareness,

activate  your senses


Whether you’re an event organizer, a corporation, or a curious spirit looking to disconnect and unwind through a five-sense experiential journey, you have come to the right place.

OUr experts

Ghalia Almadani photo, mindsai founde
Ghalia Almadani

MindsaΪ Founder

Eve Schoukroun photo, Yoga Instructor at mindsai
Eve Schoukroun

Yoga Instructor

The MindsaΪ is your go to,when



A product portfolio lacks diversity

Wellness events are in need of that “extra touch”.

Uncertainty as to how to best tailor, design, and execute unique and effective holistic wellness experiences.

Lack of time when it comes to sourcing a reliable wellness provider who can facilitate such experiences.


Employees are overworked (who may already be under-delivering).

Lack of expertise in the area of holistic, wellness programs.

Difficulty when it comes to sourcing the right kind of provider to facilitate such programs and provide consultation.

A short supply of wellness specialists who understand corporate needs and have a proven track record of providing well-received programs.

How MINDSAΪ can help



By diversifying your wellness events, products, and offerings

By facilitating wellness experiences in various areas to support tourism

By helping you grow your brand and reach


by designing and co-executing employee wellness programs and leadership retreats

by consulting on employee wellbeing

by sourcing further wellness experts to conduct face-to-face sessions



A product portfolio lacks diversityWellness events are in need of that “extra touch”.

Uncertainty as to how to best tailor, design, and execute unique and effective holistic wellness experiences.

Uncertainty as to how to best tailor, design, and execute unique and effective holistic wellness experiences.


people at one of mindsai off-site retreats, in amazing saudi desert

Off-Site Retreats

MindsaΪ collaborates with top local, regional,  and international wellbeing experts to design and facilitate off-site retreats that event organizers can add to their itinerary.

learn more
One of mindsai leaders speaking on stage

In-house corporate

Wellbeing consultations

MindsaΪ provides expert corporate wellness consultations set in an in-house environment or via Zoom.

learn more


XP music conference logo, one of mindsai clients


Curated an immersive meditative sound performance along with regional and local artists to create a space for deep listening & improve overall wellbeing for XP conference visitors of all backgrounds

We curated the wellness program for Five Senses Sanctuary event, as part of AlUla wellness season, brining top local, regional, and international talents in the wellness, art, and music fields

HQ worldwide shows company logo, one of mindsai clients

HQ Worldwide & Royal Commission for AlUla , Saudi Arabia

Ministry of interior logo, one of mindsai clients

Pure Excellence & Ministry of Interior, Saudi Arabia

Designed wellness programs for all employees as per the needs in various dimensions with the aim of improving employees’ quality of life and overall performance

Designed and executed multiple wellness sessions for the leadership team, as part of their annual leadership retreat

Ministry of tourism logo, one of mindsai clients

Ebda & Ministry of
Tourism ,
Saudi Arabia

let’s work together

Connect with us if you would like to join forces and create unforgettable & impactful experiences by filling this form:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Question text goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

MINDSAΪ seRvices

off-site retreats

MindaΪ collaborates with top local and international wellbeing experts to design and facilitate off-site retreats that event organizers can add to their itinerary.

A MindsaΪ retreat makes a unique addition to any kind of event, and the event organizer can rest assured that we will tailor the best possible experience for their participants.

Our off-site retreats include:

How to implement holistic, wellness practices in the workplace

A one-of-a-kind, customized experience

Eco-conscious practices that abide to our value of sustainability

Effective exercises that are proven to improve individual health, awareness, performance and overall quality of life

Meditative, relaxing practice while ensconced in Saudi Arabia’s breathtaking scenery

In-house corporate wellbeing consultations

MindsaΪ provides expert corporate wellness consultations set in an in-house environment or via Zoom.

Through MindsaΪ consultations, corporations can put their minds at ease when it comes to designing in-house wellness programs, as we bring both the consultation and the programs to them.

Our Experts Can Advise on:

How to implement holistic, wellness practices in the workplace

Leadership wellness programs and retreats

Programs and tips for improving employee wellbeing, performance and mental health

How to become an ‘employer of choice’, improve company culture and strengthen your brand

Expert wellness instructors in the area that can facilitate in-house wellness experiences



MindsaΪ is a Saudi Arabia-based wellness firm on a mission to provide high-quality, holistic experiences through five-sense activation retreats, relevant designing and planning, as well as consultation services.


Event organizers who wish to complement their events with our unique programs and retreats

Corporations who seek an effective, holistic way to enhance leadership and employee wellbeing & performance improvement


to always provide exceptional quality in all areas of the business

to help others develop more awareness which can lead to improved overall wellbeing and an enhanced quality of life

to bring fun and adventure to everything we do

to help others self-upgrade and improve all aspects of their lives

to offer customization and give the clients exactly what they want

to always operate according to sustainability


MindsaΪ is inspired by the term “Mind’s Eye”, also known as the Third Eye chakra, which is the prime faculty and seat of one’s awareness.

At MindsaΪ, our aim is to fulfill the mission of upgrading our clients’ awareness and lives overall while making sure they:

Experience the journey of a lifetime
Improve their performance, mental health
Experience a five-sense activation environment
Thrive in a way
that is healthy,
eco-conscious & sustainable
Disconnect from the daily grind
Take in Saudi Arabia’s breathtaking scenery
Improve their quality of life holistically
Experience a five-sense activation environment
Thrive in a way
that is healthy,
eco-conscious & sustainable
Disconnect from the daily grind
Take in Saudi Arabia’s breathtaking scenery
Improve their quality of life holistically
Improve their performance, mental health
Thrive in a way
that is healthy,
eco-conscious & sustainable